Home Care Scenarios: How can home care help you?

Have you ever been scrolling through Amazon or another online site and come across a product that you didn’t know existed? Or maybe you’ve been at a friend or family member’s home and they have some gadget that can fix a problem you didn’t even realize you had, let alone could be fixed. Maybe they have a self-scheduling robot vacuum or a pocket that you can put in between your car seats and center counsel to keep items from falling down the crack, making them nearly impossible to rescue (yes, really, those exist and they’re great!). Whatever it is, it’s a genius product (honestly, you’re a little upset you didn’t think of it first). It can solve problems you’ve been dealing with every day because it hadn’t even crossed your mind that there was a solution available. This has happened to me enough times that I now notice a small problem that is a nuisance in my life and am instantly online searching for one of these miracle solutions that someone has thought of far before me. Well, I truly believe in-home care is one of these miracle solutions.

Do you have a parent who is living alone and you’re concerned about them getting proper meals and companionship? Do you have a grandparent who recently broke a hip or a leg and is being released from rehab and is worried about getting around the house and getting in and out of the shower? Often times, we find that people are confused as to what home care can offer them. They are walking around with these nagging worries, not realizing that someone has already thought of a solution. It’s easy to go to the Kore Cares website and review our services, but our caregivers can provide so much more care and fulfillment than a service list can explain. We’ve compiled a few client scenarios that will hopefully expand on what kinds of cares we can provide for you.

1. Edwin is living alone. He is in his 90s and recently lost his wife. His wife had been receiving 24-hour care at home, but before that Edwin had lived a very independent lifestyle. Edwin’s son assists him with errands and doctor’s appointments one day per week, but both Edwin and his son realize more care is needed within the home. Although he is extremely independent and self-sufficient, Edwin worries about falling. Now that he is the only person in his home 6 days of the week, that’s certainly more of a risk. He also wants a caregiver in his home for meal preparation and companionship services so he sets his schedule to have a caregiver come for two hours during lunchtime and two hours during dinner time.

2. Ellen is preparing to have knee surgery. She has all of the post-operation bases covered (a ride home, physical therapy appointments set up) but she still worries about what she will do about getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, and showering. Her husband has offered to help, but she doesn’t want to put all of that strain on him before and after a long day of work. Ellen decides to hire a home care company. They send a caregiver for two hours in the morning to assist with getting out of bed, showering, dressing, and light housekeeping. She also has an aide come in the evening to help her change and get ready for bed.

3. Martha receives 12-hour care daily. She lives with her husband at home, but he cannot provide all of the cares Martha needs on his own. She has a disease that causes her to become confused and disoriented at times, making it unsafe for Martha to be left alone for any lengthened period of time. A caregiver provides companionship throughout the day in order to prevent injuries and falls. They also assist with activities that help provide calmness and focus such as looking through photo albums, putting puzzles together, doing word finds and crossword puzzles, baking, etc.

If you’re still not sure if home care can help you, call us at (605) 275-2344 and we can help you decide what the right fit for you and your loved one may be.