Modern Woodmen and Kore Cares Educate Community on Long-Term Care Needs

Did you know, according to Family Caregiver Alliance, National Center on Caregiving, 40% of long-term care patients are younger than 64?

Modern Woodmen of America and Kore Cares sponsored an informational session at the Hartford Senior Citizen Center on May 23rd at 12:30 p.m. to help educate participants on long-term care services and planning. The session, which was presented by Wendy Simmermon from Modern Woodmen and Gabby Hoing from Kore Cares, encouraged participants to put a plan in place.

In addition to gaining valuable insight about long-term care, attendees were entered in a drawing for a gift basket containing a $25 gift certificate to Char’d Restaurant and Lounge in Hartford, South Dakota.

According to Simmermon and Hoing, considering future care needs is a way to help control one’s future. To learn more about long-term care planning contact Wendy Simmermon, Modern Woodmen, at 605-366-8194. To learn more about long-term care service options, contact Gabby Hoing, Kore Cares, at 605-275-2344.

Since 1883, Modern Woodmen of America has touched lives and secured futures. The fraternal financial services organization serves members for life, offering financial products and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States.

*Long-term care insurance is underwritten and issued by an independent third party carrier and is brokered through MWAGIA Inc., a subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America.