Time to Reflect

"I've decided that my 2017 is going to start February 1st... January was a free trial month." I recently saw this quote on Facebook and thought it was fitting. Where did January go? Where did 2016 go? What did we accomplish in 2016? What could we do better in 2017? As we make goals for 2017 we reflect on what we learned from 2016.

For Kore Cares, 2016 was a busy and exciting year of growth. We started the year off with an open house and ribbon cutting and then we were off to the races, so to speak. In January we started marketing for clients and caregivers. To be honest our growth was slow but steady until the summer, which gave us time to polish our business processes. We had the opportunity to serve many clients over the summer months and also hire many compassionate caregivers. This fall was spent preparing for one of our office staff members to be a way from the office on maternity leave. Fortunately, we had seen enough growth that we could afford to hire a client services coordinator to help in the office. Some business owners are not fortunate enough to have maternity leave so we are grateful for our awesome staff who kept the business going.

We are also grateful to have had the opportunity to serve so many great clients in 2016, as well as getting to know some awesome caregivers. As we move into 2017 we look forward to having the opportunity to impact those we serve as well as the many ways they will impact us.