Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination, Part Two


You may remember that Kore Cares Staff began receiving vaccinations back in January. At that time, we wrote a blog detailing our experience. (For more in-depth details on the process, you can read here.) Due to recent updates more of the population will now be able to receive their COVID vaccinations, so we thought we should share our experience with the second dose of the Pfizer vaccination and what we’ve experienced since.

All in all, the experience with the second vaccination was similar to the first. At Avera, we waited in line, went through the necessary check-in steps, received our shot and waited the allotted time to ensure there were no reactions to the vaccine, and were cleared to leave. We have heard of a wide variety of reactions to either shot ranging from no symptoms except arm soreness from the injection to full on COVID symptoms for a day or two. Of all the Kore Cares staff, our personal experience is that a majority fall in the category of arm soreness and fatigue without ever experiencing the more extreme side effects.

At this time, accurate information is limited on the reason people have different experiences with the shot. So, the best advice we can offer is just to be prepared either way. If you have received the first shot, you can probably plan for the second to affect you similarly. It’s a good idea to schedule the vaccine before a day off of work, school, etc. if possible, but if not, consult your physician on recommended pain relief such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

Reach out to your primary care physician for more information on your eligibility for the vaccine. Here are links to South Dakota specific information related to the COVID -19:

·       The South Dakota Department of Health has great information on the vaccine, myths, benefits, and how to sign up for a vaccination:

·       Here is a direct link to those providing the vaccine by county:

·       To schedule a vaccine appointment at Avera click here:

·       To schedule a vaccine appointment at Sanford click here:

Haley VikKore Cares