May is Stroke Awareness Month

Stroke Awareness Month is observed every May, this month is aimed to elevate public understanding of stroke prevention, recognition, and recovery.

May is Stroke Awareness Month

Understanding F.A.S.T. and its Meaning

At the heart of this campaign is the F.A.S.T. acronym, which stands for:

  • Face drooping

  • Arm weakness

  • Speech difficulty

  • Time to call emergency services

These are key symptoms that signal the need for medical attention. By emphasizing these signs of stroke, we seek to reduce the time between the onset of a stroke and receiving treatment, which will ultimately improve outcomes. May focuses on educating others about stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyles.

Stroke Awareness Month

Stroke Awareness Month is striving for community engagement with activities such as educational campaigns, health screenings, and fundraising events. Such initiatives often involve collaborations between healthcare providers, non-profits, and local organizations to increase impact.

Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

Along with educating the community, Stroke Awareness Month also emphasizes post-stroke rehabilitation and support. Rehab services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are crucial for stroke survivors to regain strength and independence.

By promoting awareness of these signs and resources, we can take proactive action for potential stroke victims and promote healing for those who have previously suffered a stroke.

Cassie Beisch