What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living facilities provide many of the same entertainment and community features that independent living offers, but they also offer additional assistance. They usually have on-site staff to help with transfers, showers, medication administration, etc. Residents are expected to live a primarily independent lifestyle in exception to the above-listed services provided. If care-needs increase, transfers to a nursing home or to home for more one-on-one care may be recommended.

Many assisted livings also offer a community environment that offer variety of amenities including clubs, game nights, and meetings that encourage social engagement. Some also include a pool and or gym to ensure residents are engaging in physical activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Something to keep in mind when looking for a facility is that there are many assisted livings out there that also have independent living, rehabilitation centers, or nursing homes on site that offer an easier transition as care needs increase.

If you or a loved one are looking into assisted living options in and around the Sioux Falls area call Kore Cares. We have worked with most of the assisted livings in the area and can help you find the right assisted living for you.

Haley VikKore Cares