Meet the Team- Kara

By now, you may know quite a bit about Kore Cares from our posts on social media, but when you call Kore Cares, who are you speaking to? When you apply for a job, who will interview you, who will be scheduling you? When you call for services, who will meet with you and keep in contact with you? We’d like all current and future applicants and clients to be just as familiar with the office staff as they would be with each other. This week, we’d like to let you know about our Manager of Operations or as some may know her-“the scheduler”!

During high school, Kara attended a vocational school where she went through 3 years of training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). She was employed as a CNA from 2008 to 2016. In that time, she worked in skilled nursing facilities, memory care units, a behavioral health hospital, for disabled family members and home care. In 2016, she began working at Kore Cares as a Client Services Coordinator, filling in for caregivers who needed time off and scheduling. She learned many new tasks during the first couple of years and transitioned into the role of operations manager in January 2019 where she does the scheduling, assists with billing and payroll duties and ensures daily operations run smoothly.

Kara’s experience as a front-line staff member and a family caregiver gives her a unique perspective when it comes to helping those in need. As a front-line staff member, she learned the skills to be able to provide all cares necessary for any level of care an individual may need. As a family caregiver, she got to see how not only the client but family needed to be treated in order to successfully provide care in the home.. Her experiences in health care have taught her how to relate not only to those providing the hands on care but also families. Her health care experiences have been invaluable to her in her role as operations manager. 

To learn more about Kara or the Kore Cares team visit

Haley Vik